
Revealing Jesus to a nation

As a ministry our goal is to reveal God to a nation. America has shifted greatly in its morals, platforms, and direction. This gives us the opportunity to bring light and truth to a place of darkness in great need. As we see things falling apart in every direction this gives us a great opportunity to finally be able to help people who have needed help all along but didn’t know it. How do we do this? The Gospel

The Gospel is the answer. Nothing has changed. Jesus is still it. We need to get Jesus back to the people and the people back to Jesus. Our calling is to empower churches and individuals to be “StoryTellers” and share the Gospel with the people they come across.

No longer can we wait for a “superstar” pastor or ministry leader to come and “save the day”. The whole church must be empowered to win their family and friends for Christ. This is why we have created a 4 step process to break down for every person how to share their testimony and faith with their “neighbor”. Our goal is to be able to train every person, including the last person on the last row, how to share their testimony and their faith.

We are currently offering StoryTellers training for churches on Evangelism.

StoryTellers Training

Saturday Evangelism training

Sunday Preach on Evangelism at main service

If you are interested in the “StoryTellers” book or Church Training, fill out the form below.

We are currently offering StoryTellers training for churches on Evangelism

StoryTellers Training

– Saturday Evangelism training

– Sunday Preach on Evangelism at main service

 If you are interested in the “StoryTellers” book or Church Training, fill out the form below.

Revealing Jesus to a generation

Our passion is to reveal Jesus to a generation. Many have struggled with the Next Generation and how they are currently living. The way of life they live is very unique, but many forget that God also has a unique calling on their lives. Our goal is to call out their purpose and devotion to Christ while helping other generations better understand and work with them.

We have authored two books, “Change the World: Becoming a Revolutionary” and “Leading the Revolutionary Generation”. The first book is a 40 day devotional based out of 1st and 2nd Timothy that helps young people fall in love with God and bring change to wherever they are at now. The second book deals with helping any adult that influence over the youth better connect, understand, and work with them.

We are now offering Revolutionary Weekends

Revolutionary Weekends

– Friday Youth Service

– Saturday Training for staff and parents on how to better lead and serve their youth

– Sunday Preaching on the Next Generation movement in the Church and World

For more information on the books or Revolutionary Weekends, fill out the form below.

Join the Movement